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Category: Points of Light

Asbestos Racketeers Suffer Huge Loss, Plaintiffs’ Bar PR Campaign Devastated

With the personal injury bar gearing up a multimillion-dollar public relations and lobbying campaign in 2013 aimed at winning back some of the ground lost to ATRA and other tort reform groups in recent years, a federal jury in West Virginia took just two-and-a-half hours yesterday to return civil verdicts on all counts against two personal injury lawyers and a discredited former physician for conspiring to file fraudulent asbestos claims

Judicial Hellholes, Points of Light

WV Voters Finally Cast Out AG McGraw, and Other Good & Bad Election News from Judicial Hellholes

Voters in perennial judicial hellhole West Virginia have finally had enough of long-serving anti-business Attorney General Darrell McGraw. Californians rejected trial lawyer-written, lawsuit-promoting Proposition 37. And Madison County, Illinois voters incredibly retained shamed pay-to-play Judge Barbara Crowder who fomrerly oversaw the small rural county’s crooked and largest-in-the-nation asbestos docket

Judicial Hellholes, Points of Light

Texting Lawsuit Deleted, er, Dismissed

In a ruling that will certainly be considered among other “Points of Light” nominees when we draft this year’s upcoming Judicial Hellholes report, a Morristown, New Jersey judge today dismissed a lawsuit that sought to hold the sender of a text message liable for an accident caused by the reader of that message

Points of Light

ATRA Lauds Mississippi’s ‘Sunshine Act’

Mississippi has now enacted a reform law that will keep present and future attorneys general and other state officials from hiring their friends and political supporters to do legal work without appropriate scrutiny and accountability

Points of Light

2019 Judicial Hellhole Report

Every year we shine a light on the worst of the worst. Since its inception in 2002, the American Tort Reform Foundation’s Judicial Hellholes® program has documented in annually published reports various abuses within the civil justice system, focusing primarily on jurisdictions where courts have been radically out of balance.

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