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Category: Judicial Hellholes

Terrible Verdicts Can Have Terrible Consequences

With “Drug Shortages: A Deadly Problem with No End in Sight,“ online news source Daily Finance reports that Teva, the drug maker unjustly targeted by a half-billion dollar Judicial Hellholes verdict last summer in Clark County, Nevada, has ceased production of its safe and effective sedative propofol

Judicial Hellholes

Rendell Decries ‘Wimps’ While Embracing Lawsuits

If you were too busy shoveling out from the Mid-Atlantic’s big post-Christmas blizzard, you may have missed Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell’s outburst, calling the NFL “wimps” when the decision was made to postpone a Philadelphia Eagles game due to the storm. “We’re becoming a nation of wussies,” Rendell blustered. But had the NFL and Eagles decided to go ahead with the game, where would the governor have stood on the lawsuits that almost certainly would have resulted?

Judicial Hellholes

ADA Litigation Kills Another California Small Business

The Sacramento Bee reports the latest small business closure resulting from yet another abusive disability access lawsuit. The San Francisco small bookstore owner who was forced out of business said of the wheelchair-bound professional plaintiff, he ” is picking off small business owners like grapes on a vine.”

Judicial Hellholes

Food Police Strike in California

A Washington-based interest group bent on limiting food choices has chosen California as the place to bring its latest lawsuit, which attacks McDonald’s for “the most powerful, unfair, and deceptive practices – tempting kids with toys to get them to nag their parents to buy Happy Meals.”

Judicial Hellholes

2019 Judicial Hellhole Report

Every year we shine a light on the worst of the worst. Since its inception in 2002, the American Tort Reform Foundation’s Judicial Hellholes® program has documented in annually published reports various abuses within the civil justice system, focusing primarily on jurisdictions where courts have been radically out of balance.

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