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Category: Judicial Hellholes

Food Eaters 1, Uncompetitive Organics Industry 0

Though judges in the infamous Judicial Hellhole of Madison County, Illinois have allowed supporters of the troubled organic farming industry to perpetuate a meritless class action against the makers of a safe and widely used weed killer for eight long years, a no-nonsense federal judge in New York was not as patient

Judicial Hellholes, Points of Light

Video Exposes Tort Lawyer Racket in Louisiana

In its ongoing effort to bring attention to so-called “legacy” lawsuits in Louisiana, the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) today offers video of a plaintiffs’ “expert” teaching personal injury lawyers how to exploit the law and corrupt the civil justice system.

Judicial Hellholes

Turning Up the Heat on Madison County’s Meritless Atrazine Lawsuit

ATRA previously exposed the apparently hypocritical connections between plaintiffs’ lawyers, activists at an enviro-radical website, and organic farming advocates who share an interest in a meritless and costly lawsuit dragging on since 2004 in perennial judicial hellhole Madison County, Illinois. Now ATRA and an ally have published the first in a series of op-eds to offer developing details

Judicial Hellholes

Very Good News from Philly!

After being cited as the #1 Judicial Hellhole for the past two years running, Philadelphia’s top administrative judge yesterday announced sweeping rules changes that should go a long way in mitigating the Complex Litigation Center’s troublingly plaintiff-friendly reputation

Judicial Hellholes, Points of Light

‘SourceWatch’ Exposed: Website Backed by Organic Food Industry Scrambles to Take down Court Documents after Being Caught in the Act

Caught in the act by Judicial Hellholes reporters late last week, WikiLeaks wannbe “” is now scambling to pull down previoulsy posted court documents, particularly the ones that suggest a direct link between it and the plaintiffs’ attorneys in a Madison County class action against the makers of a safe and widely used weed killer.

Judicial Hellholes

2019 Judicial Hellhole Report

Every year we shine a light on the worst of the worst. Since its inception in 2002, the American Tort Reform Foundation’s Judicial Hellholes® program has documented in annually published reports various abuses within the civil justice system, focusing primarily on jurisdictions where courts have been radically out of balance.

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